
Sunday, August 15, 2010

Into the Beautiful North

I've been obsessed with Weeds lately, so when I opened a package at work and found Into the Beautiful North by Luis Alberto Urrea, I was really excited. Basically, the book is about a girl living in Mexico whose father has left to live in the United States, and the rest of the men in her town follow until the only men left are old or, in the case of this one character Tacho, gay. She decides to cross the border and find some new Mexican men to procreate with and who are strong enough to come back and protect the town from bandidos- the drug dealers and such.

I really loved the characters of this book, and the story was interesting, especially considering the issue of illegal immigration and all that. It was cool to read from the point of view of the immigrants, even though it was fiction. It had random funny moments too, although they were hard to catch because not all the Spanish was translated (although I did learn some good swear words). I give it 4/5 (or 80/100 for Matt).

538 points.

And why am I no longer an admin?


  1. My book had lots of French phrases; we are going to be so cultured by the end of the year.

  2. You lost your admin privileges after you kept putting up crappy blog backgrounds and then posting inappropriate videos.
