
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

First Post Huzzah!

Ok I think I finally figured out how to post onto this monstrosity.

Blink by Malcolm Gladwell

This was a pretty good book about how oftentimes your first intuition is better than a more thought out and contemplated decision. He goes into multiple examples and studies to support this idea, and they are all for the most part interesting. Gladwell has an enjoyable writing style that is pretty fluid and draws you in even though the book is pretty much non-fiction. I would recommend this book to anyone.


520 points.

The Other two books that I've read so far are The Mole People by Jennifer Toth, and Dancing Skeletons by Katherine A. Dettwyler. These two books basically sucked bad. They are both complete bleeding-heart books that are pretty biased and the agenda of the writers is painfully obvious. Mole People is about homeless people in New York City. Surprise surprise most of the homeless are drug addicts and criminals, and it's almost always their fault. The other book is about an anthropologist's studies in Mali in Western Africa. It is pretty sad at times, but it isn't groundbreaking at all, and I'm pretty sure the anthropologist was just wasting her time. I wouldn't recommend these books to anyone unless they are taking ANT 111.

367 points, and 454 points