
Saturday, July 30, 2011

Alright let's do this.

I have been a lazy shit these past few months and haven't updated at all. But that's my loss, I guess, because there are a few books that I probably read in the beginning of the summer that I don't remember, so I won't be including them here.

Here's what I do have, in no particular order:

Insatiable by Meg Cabot
Trendy vampire book that I received as a graduation present. I was excited to read a Meg Cabot book after so many years of loving The Princess Diaries, but this was not my really thing.
664 points

No Impact Man by Colin Beavan
A man and his family set out to live one year without creating any impact on the environment. Honestly written, has a lot of good ideas for people who are interested in this sort of lifestyle. Had a lot of unnecessary background info on environmental issues, or maybe this book is better suited for people who are new to this topic.
488 points

The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo by Steig Larsson
If you have not yet read this book, get it out of the library. Today.
800 points

The Girl Who Played with Fire by Steig Larsson
This one was even better. I started it yesterday before dinner and stayed up til 4am to finish it.
830 points

The Road by Cormac McCarthy
Recommended by Matt, this book was a quick read but SO good. I got so scared that I had to lock my bedroom door at night and I thought people were going to eat me while I was sitting on the subway reading it.
504 points

Armageddon in Retrospect by Kurt Vonnegut
Recommended by my brother, I'm pretty sure this was the first Vonnegut book I ever read all the way through? It was actually a collection of short stories and really funny/ironic. I just got While Mortals Sleep out of the library, so I will probably read that next.
440 pages

Midnight in the Garden of Good & Evil by John Berendt
Another one of my brother's. This murder mystery took place in Savannah, Georgia and was a great, great story with some really colorful, Southern characters. Definitely recommend checking this one out.
600 points

Cooking for Mr. Latte by Amanda Hesser
Written by NYTimes food writer, this was a cool mix of recipes and narrative about her experience eating and cooking in NYC. Really enjoyable to read about restaurants in Manhattan since I'm here right now, not so enjoyable because I will probably never be able to afford them. Need to get this out of the library again so I can copy down some of the recipes.
536 points

Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer
I recommend this one for sure, the main character was so likable and the writing style was really refreshing.
568 points

The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver
I've been wanting to read this since I read Animal, Vegetable, Miracle over a year ago. A lot of people drool over this book and say it's their favorite. I thought it was really good, Matt I think you will also like it a lot. I pretty much wanted to punch the dad in the face the whole time so it got pretty frustrating, but I loved how the story was told from multiple perspectives.
776 points

Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts
I have been meaning to read this book since summer before junior year. Oops. It was definitely worth the wait though and is an awesome summer read because it is so long. If you read one book from this list, besides the Steig Larsson books, make it this one. This guy's story is really crazy and I loved reading more about living in India.
1,144 points

The end. Phew.

Edited to add: Wow, I knew that was a lot of books, but I didn't realize I was going to more than double my score. One more reason why taking the subway kicks the ass of a driving commute. Also, not being in school anymore has been pretty great as well.

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