
Monday, November 29, 2010

oh my brothers...

I just finished A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess as my final novel for my science fiction class. Technically, though, I don't believe this novel is actually a piece of science fiction. It is written in a slang of English called Nadsat, which is used by thuggish youths that terrorize innocent people. The novel is narrated by Alex who, along with his 3 "droogs" commit extremely violent and sadistic acts in the first part of this three part novel. Not to spoil anything, but things take a turn for Alex in the next section which focuses on punishment for his crimes rehabilitation. The final section follows Alex as he is returned to the world as a free man, only after completing a series of conditioning treatments. I enjoyed this novel quite a bit. Once I got a grasp on the language I hardly noticed that it wasn't written in standard English.

There is a movie version A Clockwork Orange, however it ends one chapter prior to the completion of the book. This should be considered when viewing the movie, since it drastically alters the meaning of the story as a whole, and practically negates the author's intentions.

399 Points


  1. I've always wanted to read this, but never got around to it. Guess it's going on the list!

  2. I've seen the movie also, I would recommend it too. It just ends differently than the book.
